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Modern Team Sites – Working with SPFX Web Parts

A Few Tips for Working with SPFX Web Parts

Ok so a quick re-cap.

Microsoft are have made to the page and web part model in SharePoint – the new SharePoint Framework.

If you create a modern team site in SharePoint you will be able to create a welcome page that uses this new framework.

Creating a modern page


Adding News

Add the new headlines web part to add a news rollup.  You can add news which will automatically rollup to the news tab on the SharePoint mobile app for following sites.


Adding a Useful Rollup

This can be done using the highlighted content web part.

To make this more intuitive in this example we have created a new content type.  Intranet Subject Page.  This inherits from site page and has been added to site pages library.

Now we can add our web part and configure it to only rollup up our “Subject” pages and ignore news and landing pages.


So this web page will now (ok, when matching content has been added and search crawl has run) show all pages from the entire site collection where the content type is Intranet Subject Site Page.

Making the Modern Page Your Home Page


In Summary

We’ve just scratched the surface of what you can do with modern team sites and SPFX web parts.  The take away from this is very much;

  • Try and get some experience with the new web part model, it will become more widely used as Microsoft release the accompanying publishing page model.
  • The new model works very well in tandem with the accompanying apps – such as the SharePoint App for Mobile.
  • Check out
  • This information is correct as of Q1 2017 (i.e. Microsoft is going to be improving this part of SharePoint this year).



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